Product Name: Mobile Penetration Testing Kit
Product Categories: Cybersecurity, Compliance, Risk Management
Netizen's customized mobile penetration testing hardware simplifies cybersecurity penetration tests of wireless networks, remote systems, and networks. It's portability and power enable testers to run robust customized and integrated tools against networks to uncover issues and vulnerabilities instantly. The hardware is also backed by 90 day free support from Netizen and a variety of customizations are available, including direct integrations with other Netizen products such as Overwatch and AutoSTIG. This mobile penetration testing suite is ideal for hacking-on-the-go in remote environments and starts at only $449.00 with custom tools and integrations included.
- - Processor: Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 64-bit SoC @ 1.4 GHz
- - Memory: 1GB LPDDR2 SDRAM
- - Operating System: Kali, Parrot, Raspian, NetizenOS, or any of your choice
- - Ports: 4x USB 2.0, 1x Ethernet, 1x Auxiliary, 1x HDMI, 2x Micro USB
- - Power: RavPower RP-PB043 20,100 mAh w/ Quick Charge Portable Charger
- - Input: Bluetooth Keyboard, Touchpad, Laser Device, and a Built-In 7" Touch Screen
- - Storage: 32GB Micro SD Card (upgradeable)
- - Capabilities: Wireless Communications: Dual-Band IEEE 802.11.b/g/n/ac WLAN, Bluetooth 4.2/BLE and Wired Communications: Ethernet, Power-over-Ethernet support (with separate PoE HAT)
- - Software:
- + Built-in developer tools, interpreters, IDEs, and other tools
- + Education utilities
- + LibreOffice
- + Chromium Web Browser
- - Hacking / Penetration Testing Tools:
- + Wi-Fi Hacking: Capable of Operating Air-Suite
- + Scanning: Supports modern day scanning tools such as NMap
- + Web Hacking: WPscan, Nikto, etc.
- + General: Metasploit, etc.
- + Most LinuxDerived Tools- with Repository Management
Also includes customizations for tool management and integration with Netizen's Overwatch Governance Suite (OGS) and AutoSTIG products.